At 24MX, we are dedicated to provide you with the best prices on the market. To support this commitment, we offer our Lowest Price Guarantee.
Here’s how it works:
If you find a lower selling price on the same product from one of our direct competitors within 14 days of your purchase, we will match that price and refund you the difference.
How to Claim Your Price Match:
- Find a Lower Price: If you find the identical product at a lower price from a qualifying on-line retailer (excluding marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay), within 14 days of your purchase from us, let us know.
- Contact Us: Reach out to our customer care team and submit the following form:
- Choose Request Type: Select the option "About the Lowest Price Guarantee (LPG)"
- Provide your Order Number
- Provide a Verifiable Link: In the Description section, submit a link to the webpage showing the lower price.
- Attach a Screenshot: Include a screenshot of the offer to ensure verification.
- Verification of the Price: Our team will verify the lower price and the product's availability.
- Receive Your Refund: Once verified, we will match the price and refund you the difference.
Terms and Conditions:
- The product must be identical, including brand, model number, and colour.
- The lower price must be publicly advertised and available to all customers.
- The competing retailer must be an authorized reseller selling in the same country.
- The price match excludes final clearances, closeouts, and liquidation sales.
- Our Lowest Price Guarantee is only valid for purchases made directly through 24MX.
- All costs (e.g. shipping, payment costs, customs, etc.) must be included in the final price of the product in the checkout to be compared.
We believe in providing our customers with not only the best products but also the best prices. Shop with confidence knowing that you're getting the best deal with our Lowest Price Guarantee.